"The file contains information (name and date/place of birth) about 11 perpetrators who were found guilty of installing and restoring short-wave-receivers and listening to hostile radio stations. The following is a list of all perpetrators, the crime they are accused of and their verdicts: Ladislaus Jicinsky (born on 17 March 1902 in Pardubitz) – restoration of short-wave-receivers and distribution of hostile news – twelve years in a penitentiary; Karl Jicinsky (born on 24 December 1903 in Pardubitz) – listening to hostile radio stations – eight years in a penitentiary; Karl Jehlik (born on 20 January 1916 in Pisenz) – sabotage of defense measures against hostile broadcasting propaganda – death penalty; Bohumil Koncel (born on 3 April 1901 in Setejowitz) – sabotage of defense measures against hostile broadcasting propaganda – death penalty; Franz Plachy (born on 24 November 1909 in Setejowitz) – restoration of short-wave-receivers in a minor case and distribution of hostile news – three years in a penitentiary; Zdenek Jiravsky (born on 18 June 1901 in Pardubitz) – restoration of short-wave-receivers in a minor case – three years in a penitentiary; Johann Trnka (born on 21 December 1905 in Pilsen) – crime n.a. – acquittal; Wilhelm Dusek (born on 9 June 1896 in Mutejowitz) – crime n.a. – acquittal; Bohumil Weiner (born on 12 December 1905 in Hostine) – listening to hostile radio stations – five years in a penitentiary; Beatrix Jicinsky (born on 6 May 1908 in Ostreschan) – listening to hostile radio stations – two years in a penitentiary; Ludmille Dusek (born on 5 December 1901 in Eipel) – crime n.a. – acquittal."@eng . "1 electronic resource (9 pages)"@eng . . "[Nazi Justice Trial Transcripts]"@eng . . . . "[Nazi Justice Trial Transcripts]"@eng . .