"The file contains the verdict of Adolf Israel Gans (born on 27 May 1881 in Sobotka), Franz Moravec (born on 20 March 1889 in Sobotka), Josef Janda (born on 26 February 1902 in Skurschin), Ludmilla Gans (born on 27 May 1888 in Radovesnitz) and Josef Vitek (born on 27 June 1896 in Puchlowitz). In the summer of 1938 Adolf Israel Gans bought two\"Singe\" pistols. After the German occupation of Protectorate started he became anxious that his weapons might be found. That's why he decided to trust his housekeeper (Franz Moravec) with both the guns and the ammunition. Franz Moravec hid Gans' weapons alongside his ones. A few months later, in the end of May 1939, Moravec got scared as well and passed all four weapons on to a relative of his: Josef Janda. He put all the weapons in a box in his attic where the authorities discovered them on 7 April 1942. Moreover, the defendant Gans and his wife (Ludmilla Gans) were found guilty of not complying with the laws for Jewish citizens – they would've had to deliver their fortune to the German authorities. Adolf Israel Gans, Franz Moravec and Josef Janda were sentenced to death. Ludmilla Gans was sentenced to one year in jail. Josef Vitek was acquitted."@eng . "1 electronic resource (8 pages)"@eng . . "[Nazi Justice Trial Transcripts]"@eng . . . . "[Nazi Justice Trial Transcripts]"@eng . .