"The file contains information (name and date/place of birth) about 7 perpetrators who were found guilty of Economic War Crimes, Forgery and Bribery. Unfortunately, the file does not yield any details of the crime itself. The following is a list of all perpetrators, the crime they are accused of and their verdicts: Franz Rudolf Gela (born on 3 April 1909 in Ostrava) – Economic War Crime, Document Fraud, Bribery – Death Penalty; Jaroslaus Gela (born on 17 Januray 1904 in Ostrava) – Economic War Crime, Forgery – Death Penalty; Klement Golka (born on 30 October 1906 in Neu-Biela) – Economic War Crime, Bribery – Three Years in a Penitentiary; Franz Miksatko (born in 5 August 1911 in Hosty) – Economic War Crime – One Year and Three Months in Jail; Hermine Dobransky (born on 30 March 1897 in Ostrava) – Economic War Crime – Four Months in Jail; Stanislaus Gabansky (born on 23 December 1911 in Ostrava) – Economic War Crime and Bribery – Seven Months in Jail; Alois Hlavaty (born on 14 April 1890 in Goeding) – Economic War Crime – Seven Months in Jail."@eng . "1 electronic resource (3 pages)"@eng . . "[Nazi Justice Trial Transcripts]"@eng . . . . "[Nazi Justice Trial Transcripts]"@eng . .