"The file contains information (name and date/place of birth) about 28 perpetrators who were found guilty of having committed a crime against the\"enemies-of-the-people-decre\". Unfortunately, the file does not yield any details of the crime itself. The following is a list of all perpetrators, the crime they are accused of and their verdicts: Franz Dostal (born on 18 November 1908 in Pardubitz) – Crime against the Enemies of the People Decree (Volksschädlings-Verordnung) – Death Penalty; Adalbert Fisera (born on 5 April 1906 in Ponikla); Franz Budsky (born on 5 August 1902 in Prag) – Crime against the Enemies of the People Decree (Volksschädlings-Verordnung) – Six Years in a Penitentiary; Wendelin Srchta (born on 11 April 1903 in Sabelitz) – Crime against the Enemies of the People Decree (Volksschädlings-Verordnung) – Death Penalty; Wenzel Novak (born on 18 November 1883 in Scheberau) – Crime against the Enemies of the People Decree (Volksschädlings-Verordnung) – Six Years in a Penitentiary; Heinrich Plocek (born on 26 May 1892 in Byskowitz) – Crime against the Enemies of the People Decree (Volksschädlings-Verordnung) – Death Penalty; Johann Tosovosky (born on 31 August 1908 in Suchydule) – Crime against the Enemies of the People Decree (Volksschädlings-Verordnung) – Five Years in a Penitentiary; Johann Melichar (born on 11 May 1905 in Krizev) – Crime against the Enemies of the People Decree (Volksschädlings-Verordnung) – Five Years in a Penitentiary; Ludmilla Cisevesky (born on 13 September 1895 in Domauschitz) – Crime against the Enemies of the People Decree (Volksschädlings-Verordnung) – Five Years in a Penitentiary; Josef Treska (born on 6 June 1906 in Skorit) – Accessory to Criminal Offense – Three Years in a Penitentiary; Wernzel Klabouch (born on 13 June 1903 in Lodus) – Accessory to Criminal Offense – Two Years and Six Months in a Penitentiary; Alexander Pokorny (born on 24 November 1901 in Koeniggraetz) – Crime against the War Economy Regulation (Kriegswirtschaftsverordnung) – Two Years in a Penitentiary; Ladislaus Petricek (born on 3 June 1902 in Krakowan) – Accessory to Criminal Offense – Three Years and Six Months in a Penitentiary; Anton Michalek (born on 2 June 1897 in Jestrichowitz) – Accessory to Criminal Offense – Three Years and Six Months in a Penitentiary; Franz Tichy (born on 4 July 1905 in Prawonin) – Crime against the War Economy Regulation (Kriegswirtschaftsverordnung) – One Year and Six Months in Jail; Veit Jetmar (born on 14 July 1890 in Materau); Alois Kasparek (born on 4 June 1900 in Halenkowitz) – Crime against the War Economy Regulation (Kriegswirtschaftsverordnung) – One Year in Jail; Adolf Birma (born on 25 January 1906 in Prag) – Crime against the War Economy Regulation (Kriegswirtschaftsverordnung) – Eight Months in Jail; Wenzel Novak (born on 27 November 1890 in Prag) – Crime against the War Economy Regulation (Kriegswirtschaftsverordnung) – One Year in Jail; Johann Muknsnabl (born on 6 July 1908 in Prag) – Crime against the War Economy Regulation (Kriegswirtschaftsverordnung) – One Year in Jail; Thomas Wagner (born on 21 November 1905 in Elhenitz) – Accessory to Criminal Offense – Two Years in a Penitentiary; Franz Zeman (born on 20 December 1892 in Klein-Pascha) – Crime against the War Economy Regulation (Kriegswirtschaftsverordnung) – One Year in Jail; Florian Sindelar (born on 8 February 1899 in Prag) – Crime against the War Economy Regulation (Kriegswirtschaftsverordnung) – One Year in Jail; Alois Doubek (born on 28 September 1894 in Hausenstaetten) – Accessory to Criminal Offense – One Year and Six Months in Jail; Johann Srchta (born on 5 December 1894 in Chodau) – Accessory to Criminal Offense – One Year and Six Months in Jail; Johann Kliner (born on 25 April 1887 in Hostiwar) – Accessory to Criminal Offense – One Year and Six Months in Jail; Wenzel Masek (born on 16 August 1902 in Prag) – Accessory to Criminal Offense – One Year in Jail; Johann Sulc (born on 31 March 1908 in Bruex) – Accessory to Criminal Offense – Six Months in Jail."@eng . "1 electronic resource (5 pages)"@eng . . "[Nazi Justice Trial Transcripts]"@eng . . . . "[Nazi Justice Trial Transcripts]"@eng . .