. "Conspirative letters of von Rantzau to Toedtli addressing infighting in the Weltdienst. Names are abbreviated and the context not clear. In one letter von Rantzau states that he got attacked by leading Nazis for an alleged quote about Goebbels that he thinks Toedtli forwarded. An extraction of a letter of von Rantzau to Toedtli is a request to find out about Langhoff. Copy of a cover of a file of the law office of Lifschitz in which the documents seem to have been. They are part of Toedli's correspondence that was confiscated and got into the hands of Lifschitz."@eng . . "[secret letter of von Rantzau to Toedtli]"@eng . "1936/" . "1 electronic resource (8 pages)"@eng . . "[secret letter of von Rantzau to Toedtli]"@eng . . .