. "Abschrift eines Briefes des Sergej Sergejewitsch Nilus"@eng . "Abschrift eines Briefes des Sergej Sergejewitsch Nilus"@eng . . "1 electronic resource (8 pages)"@eng . . . "The file contains translations of a letter by Sergej Sergejewitsch Nilus, the son of the late Sergej Akexander NIlus, written to the Welt-Dienst in march 1936. With this letter Sergej Nilus reacts on the request of the Welt-Dienst to comment on the articles which have been published in the American Hebrew in 1921 and 1934, regarding the work of his father. As Sergej Nilus says, the article is full of lies and fiction and is not accurate on the life and work of his father. The articles is entitled as\"Nilus, der Fälscher der Protokolle, entlarvt\" (Nilus, the forger of the protocols, unmasked), but as Nilus argues his father was not the writer of the Protocols he just published them in his book. Furthermore he corrects the dates given by du Chayla, regarding the first and second release of his fathers book. Furthermore he reports about the life and work of his father and gives a lot of dates regarding it."@eng . . .