"The file contains a document called 'Die Aufdeckung einer nationalsozialistischen Agitationszentrale in Mitteleuropa'. Boris Toedtli got accused of espionage and propaganda distribution in Switzerland. His contacts interfere in several countries and his connections to leaders of the Nazi party and the Welt-Dienst financed the espionage. Toedtli has violated the 'espionage-law' (Spitzelgesetz) in Switzerland. The documents and evidences found in his private archive shown his doings. Also Ulrich Fleischhauer got accused of the same crime. Like Boris Toedtli he worked as a snitch. Several newspapers in Switzerland published materials from Toedtli's archive in order to show their doings. Furthermore the work methods of the National Front in Switzerland as well as of the Third Reich are well presented."@eng . "1 electronic resource (4 pages)"@eng . . "Die Aufdeckung einer nationalsozialistischen Agitationszentrale in Mitteleuropa"@eng . . . . "Die Aufdeckung einer nationalsozialistischen Agitationszentrale in Mitteleuropa"@eng . .