"correspondence of the Hauptamt Weltanschauliche Information about church politics and ideological education. Note of the Hauptamt Weltanschauliche Information, signed by Benatzky, about a meeting about Prof. Nadler's membership in the NSDAP. An Invitation of Geist of the Hauptamt Weltanschauliche Information on behalf of Hagemeyer to Koeppen, personal consultant of Rosenberg, to a work conference with the programm of the work conference attached. Letter of Molter to Rosenberg begging him for a job in the Hauptamt Weltanschauliche Information, citing his hardship. Note of Kortkampf about a memorandum of von Alversleben. The note dismisses the memorandum of von Alversleben, who seemed to be critical of police messures against the church. A note of the Hauptamt Weltanschauliche Information to Rosenberg (signed by Buth) about the protestant church in Germany and the fight against Bolshevism. The note contains a long quote of bishop Heckel about the relation between Christianity and Bolshevism. Correspondence between the NSDAP party chancellary and the Hauptamt Weltanschauliche Information and the Foreign office about church exits of Reichsdeutsche in other countries. Note for Rosenberg (of Deindl) that a forbidden paper reappeared. Draft of an edited foreward of a publication about the Athos expedition submitted for Rosenberg's attention. The forword is written by Utikal. Note of a meeting between Deindl and SD representative Duchesne about the Roman church and also about the Athos monks, who asked for protection. Report of Deindl to Rosenberg about the Jesuit library Enghien near Brussels and the suggestion to seize all political publications from the library. Another note of Deindl to Rosenberg about the closure of the library and the seizure of the political publications. Note of the Hauptamt Weltanschauliche Information to Rosenberg about a letter from the Reichs chancellary about reichs Bishop Mueller, wo had the idea of establishing a people's church according to a thought of Rosenberg as he claims. Letter of the adjutancy of Rosenberg to the Hauptamt Weltanschauliche Information about Reichs Bishop Mueller, stating that Rosenberg distances himself from the ideals of Mueller to establish a people's church. Note of the Hauptamt Weltanschauliche Information (signed by Frank) to Rosenberg about church political seminars. Note to Rosenberg of the Hauptamt Weltanschauliche Information about a pastoral letter of the Dutch bishop Johannes de Jong with the pastoral letter attached. Note of the Hauptamt Weltanschauliche Information to Rosenberg about Schopen and a note about a priest Dank and a note about ten Hompel. Confidential note to Rosenberg of the Hauptamt Weltanschauliche Information about the dismissal of Jesuits from the Wehrmacht. Note to Rosenberg about the clearance of a draft. Note to Rosenberg about the persecution of Orthodox in Croatia. Note to Rosenberg about the promotion of the Orthodox bishop of Berlin. Letter to the adjutancy of Rosenberg with the request for a signature of Rosenberg for a book. A seminar plan for a seminar from 12.2.1942 - 27.2.1942 about religion and Christian confessions. Note to Rosenberg about tensions between the church of Norway and the government of Norway."@eng . "11 electronic resource (59 pages)"@eng . . "[National socialism and church politics]"@eng . . . . "[National socialism and church politics]"@eng . .