"Two letters with attachments to Rosenberg with requests for clearance of articles for the Nationalsozialistische Monatshefte. First letter to Rosenberg is about a letter exchange between General von Niedermayer and General von Wedel. It's about a disagreement about an army censorship of an article of Niedermayer. The censorship was allegedly made upon personal motives. The letter states Niedermayers idea to publish an edited version of the article even without a further statement of the propaganda department of the Wehrmacht. The letter to Rosenberg states that von Brauchitsch supports the publication of the article. Attached to the letter a letter of von Wedel to von Niedermayer with complaints and a letter of von Niedermayer to von Wedel refering to that complaints. The second letter to Rosenberg is a request for a clearance for an article for the Nationalsozialitische Monatshefte of Dehnert with the article\"Technology as a German destin\" attached."@eng . "2 electronic resource (26 pages)"@eng . . "[clearance Nationalsozialitische Monatshefte]"@eng . . . . "[clearance Nationalsozialitische Monatshefte]"@eng . .