"correspondence of the department of ideolocical information in the Amt Rosenberg with and about Rudolf Molter about his request for being recognized as indispensible. Documents about surveillance and clearance for publishing. A document is about clearance of a script of Griesmayr. Some documents are about staffing policy. A directive of Rosenberg from April 1942 that Hagemeyer is to head the Main Office Ideological Information and is ordered to build from it and other main offices the upper office Supra-National Powers. Several notes of Eberhard Achterberg, editor of Nationalsozialistische Monatshefte. Correspondence between Strobel of the Folklore and Celebation Arrangements office within the Amt Rosenberg and Koeppen, private consultant of Rosenberg, about clearances of articles for the paper Deutsche Volkskunde. A letter from Koppen to Strobel about the critics of Dr. Haiding, chief of the Institute of German Ethnolog\" about an ethnological article in the Voelkischer Beobachter. Correspondence between Strobel and Koeppen and Erich Kulke about an order of Rosenberg to make a structure plan for the Gau branch of the Research office German Farms. Request of Rosenberg to Gauleiter Alfred Meyer to spare a Professor Wolf from Flak service because of a inventory taking of worthwhile farms. Correspondence about the Wolf issue. Several documents about the think tank Ahnenerbe. Note for Rosenberg for a meeting with Berger and a note recommending Strobel as head of the folklore division of Ahnenerbe. Letter from Koeppen to Strobel that indicated in-fights and quarrels in regard to staffing and authority inside the Amt Rosenberg. A covering letter of Haiding to Rosenberg for the delivery of an edition of the Deutsche Volkskunde. A letter informing about a decicion of Ley in regard of the participation at the conference for the Arrangement of Celebrations. Order of Rosenberg concerning the affilation of the education institution for the Arrangement of Celebrations. Note about a possible foreword of Backe for a cultivation reader. Letter to Rosenberg discussiong the topic of festive pages for celebrations."@eng . "3 electronic resources (60 pages)"@eng . . "[correspondence from Amt Rosenberg about staffing, cultural and religion policy and surveillance]"@eng . . . . "[correspondence from Amt Rosenberg about staffing, cultural and religion policy and surveillance]"@eng . .