. . . "The file contains a letter written by Mrs. Tatjana Fermor in Paris on the 9th of Juni 1921, to Leslie Fry. It was translated from the book by Mrs. Fry: Le Juif, notre maltre'. In the letter Mrs. Fermor explains that articles regarding the forgery of the 'Protocols of the Elders of Zion' have been published by Alexander du Chaya, and how his attitude seemed to have changed. She explains further that he questioned the authenticity of these 'Protocols' in several newspapers in Russia and was interested in the life of those who were responsible for the distribution and publishing of the 'Protocols'. Mrs. Former was shocked about his criticism against the 'Protocols' as du Chaya was known for his anti-semitism."@eng . . "[Letter from Mrs. Tatjana Fermor to Mrs. L. Frey]"@eng . "1 electronic resource (3 pages)"@eng . "[Letter from Mrs. Tatjana Fermor to Mrs. L. Frey]"@eng . . .