"The file contains correspondence from 1942 and 1943 (with one exeption). The correspondence is from the Welt-Dienst which was then connected to the Institute for the Study of the Jewish Question and then incorporated into the department for supranational forces in the Amt Rosenberg. A note from Richter confirming the receipt of old issues of the Welt-Dienst. Letter of Richter to Koeppen about publishing a edition of the Wise Men of Zion. Letter of Richter to Koeppen telling him about the appointment of Siewers. Note to the consultant of Rosenberg from Welt-Dienst that a letter to Payr abou Schramm was forwarded also to Dr. Paul of the Hohe Schule. Letters that refer to thedelivery of an issue of the Welt-Dienst to adjudant Langer. Letter of the Welt-Dienst to Amt Rosenberg with information about Maurice Abraham Cohen. Letter of Achterberg, division for\"Issues concerning Jews and Freemason\", how the Welt-Dienst was called then inside the Amt Rosenberg, to Rosenberg concerning financial transactions to the division. Intelligence note about Paul Molish who wrote a book review. Letter of Achterberg to the Amt Rosenberg asking for the decree that appointed Hagemeyer with building a department Supranational Forces. Several letters informing Rosenberg about the issuing of the Welt Dienst periodical in different languages. Several letters that deal with the recruitment of Schirmer and his substitute. A letter of Langer to Schirmer stating that a letter of Schirmer concerning a Prof. Kraeger was forwarded to Scheidt. A letter of Langer to Scheidt with some requests. Letter of Schirmer to Koeppen asking to return a manuscript about Freemansonery that was handed to Rosenberg."@eng . "1 electronic resource (28 pages)"@eng . . "[Weltdienst Office correspondence - Antisemitic propaganda]"@eng . . . . "[Weltdienst Office correspondence - Antisemitic propaganda]"@eng . .