"The file contains a report written by Princess Radziwill in 1921. Her work is concerning an anti-Semite propaganda published by Nilus in 1905 in Russsia in 'Velikoe v malom i antikhrist, kak blizkaja politicheskaja vozmozhnost. Zapiski pravoslavnogo (The Great within the Small and Antichrist, an Imminent Political Possibility. Notes of an Orthodox Believer)'. She explains in her work the 'development and use of the Protocols of the Wise man of Zion'. Historicaly imbedded she illustrate the 'creation' of the 'Protocols'. the first publishing of the it, its way to Europe and its rising popularity, as well as the danger it holds. Furthermore she adds footnotes with detailed informations about people she is mentioning or historical happenings."@eng . "1 electronic resource (10 pages)"@eng . . "La Revue Mondiale"@eng . . . . "La Revue Mondiale"@eng . .