. "/" . "The file contains a letter of de Pottere (Meikert) to coordinate the support for the Bern trial. The letter reveals mutual distrust. The letter reveals disagreements between Fink (Vogel) and Leonhardt (Hartmann) and that Leonhardt is the middle man for financial transactions. The letter states that it contains attachments to be forwarded to Spirinovich (Spiring) and complains that Markoff (Marquart), Stepanoff (Stip), Spiridovich (Spiring) and Ratchkowsky (Mueller) don't answer letters. One passage is about the shifting of the trial continuation on requst of the expert of Ruef (Fuehrer). Part of a letter of Rantzau about the exchange of material. Letter of Karadja about US politics. A part of a letter about a consrirativ meeting and accusations against von Roll (Harzer). The names in the letters are covered by their pseudonyms."@eng . "[Welt-Dienst conspiracy]"@eng . . "1 electronic resource (6 pages)"@eng . "[Welt-Dienst conspiracy]"@eng . . . .