"The file contains handwritten notes and letters, as well as correspondences mostly with people from Eastern Europe and Russia. Main topics in the letters are the 'Jewish question', informations about the 'Protocols' and people who might have been in connections to the 'Protocols'. For the seceond instance in the Bern trail informations regarding the authenticity of the 'protocols' and about potential wittnesses have been collected. Several letters have been sent from Russia, Belgrade, Hungaria and also from Germany and Austria. In some letters Freyenwald was asked for his advise and in others people shared their knowledge with Freyenwald, as he was considered as an expert on the 'Jewish question' in Austria and Germany. He also traveled to Belgrade to visit Mr. Lanskoy in order to check and prove his latest research about the 'Protocols'. Fleischhauer was announcing him to Lanskov as Dr. Bergmeister (Freyenwalds pen name), an important employee of him and the Welt-Dienst. Also correspondences and discussions concerning new editions of the 'Welt-Dienst' and potential reports can be seen."@eng . . . . . . "[Correspondences regarding the 'Protocols of the Wise man of Zion']"@eng . . "1 electronic resource (50 pages)"@eng . . "[Correspondences regarding the 'Protocols of the Wise man of Zion']"@eng .