"The file contains newpaper cuttings regarding the Freemasons, published in Vienna in 1943. The article is concerning the Freemasons in the United States and the tribute to Rossevelt. This article also represents the opinion that Roosevelt, as a member of the Freemasons would not serve the country but the Jews. This anti-Semitic article claims that regarding to the informations of the newspaper, the Jews and Freemasons follow their plan for the world domination, including Roosevelt working for them. In addition a transcript of the 'Politischer Dienst - Arbeitsmaterial für Presse und Publizistik' can be seen. It was published by the 'Hauptreferat Schnelldienst in der Abt. Deutsche Presse der Presseabteilung der Reichsregierung, Reichsministerium für Volksaufklärung und Propaganda, Berlin'. The title of the transcript is 'Judenausweisungen in zwei Jahrtausenden', published in Berlin 1944 and reports about the banishment of Jews in the last 2000 years from 42 countries. In this transcript the Reichsministerium further informs about the 'history' of the Jews, it explains again its conspiracy theory reagarding the world domination of Jews and how they have to be stopped."@eng . "1 electronic resource (8 pages)"@eng . . "Politischer Dienst- Arbeitsmaterial für Presse und Publizistik"@eng . . . . "Politischer Dienst- Arbeitsmaterial für Presse und Publizistik"@eng . .