"The file contains a letter and testimony by Madam Leslie Fry. The testimony addresses the experts' questions to the plaintiffs concerning the authenticity of the Protocols of the Elders of Zion, and provides several responses providing evidence that the Protocols are authentic. The evidence cites from the writings of Ahad Ha'am, Motskin and other Zionist activists, and ties them to British politicians such as Herbert Samuel. It also attempts to prove a connection between the Jews and the Freemasons,and to discredit the direct link between the Dialogues in Hell by Maurice Joly and the Protocols of the Elders of Zion. The testimony also attempts to show the Jews were involved actively in the Russian revolution. The letter provides encouragement and praise for the workagainst the Jews."@eng . "1 electronic resource (13 pages)"@eng . . "Questions des Plaignants aux Experts"@eng . . . . "Questions des Plaignants aux Experts"@eng . .