"The file contains a statement regarding the expertise of C.A. Loosli concerning the Bern trial and therefore the 'Protocols of the Elders of Zion'. C.A. loosli was apointed as expert by the judge Walter Mayer for the Bern trial in 1935, Loosli answered in his expertise the questions of the judge as well as the questions from the plaintiffs. He declared the 'Protocols' as a plagiarism and a forgery produced by helpers of the tsarist Russian Okhrana. In this statement the author comments the expertise as an egregious twisting of facts."@eng . "Stellungnahme zum Gutachten des Sachverständigen C.A. Loosli im Berner Prozess"@eng . . . . "1 electronic resource (21 pages)"@eng . . "Stellungnahme zum Gutachten des Sachverständigen C.A. Loosli im Berner Prozess"@eng . . . .