. . "The file contains several doduments regarding the 'Jewish question' and the Bern trial. A transcript of 1939 regarding Isaac Blümchen, which is the alias of Urbain Gohier, who was a French lawyer and journalist best known for his publication of the anti-Semitic forgery 'The Protocols of the Elders of Zion' in France. This transcript explains that the work of Isaac Blümchen would be of great use for anti-Semitic publications and propaganda. Several other documents and newspapers related to the work of Isaac Blümchen\"Die Rechte der höheren Rass\", his work regarding to the 'Jewish Question and their world domination', can be seen. In addition a newspaper called 'Mitteilungen über die Judenfrage' by the Inistitut zum Studium der Judenfrage, Germany is attached. On 7 pages the newspaper, published in 1937, informs about the 'Jewish-Polish Question' the 'real oppinion of Fritz Reuter reagrding the Jewsish-Question', the 'Jewish influence on the French media' and the anti-Semitism in the world. Also documents, like transcripts and translations by DR. Viktor Püttner and other material concerning the Bern trail can be seen. Furthermore documents in Polish and German of 1930 in which Sergius von Nilus, the son of Sergius Nilus, received the citizenship of Poland are attached. These documents are in connection with other materials of Nilus and about him."@eng . . . "1 electronic resource (90 pages)"@eng . "[<> Jewish Question]"@eng . "[<> Jewish Question]"@eng . . . .