"The file contains a newspaper article full of conspiracy of a planed Jewish takover of Hungary from a Munich newspaper from 1944 inciting against Hungarian Jews. A letter of the state secretary for tourism in the Reichs Propaganda Ministry to Freyenwald from 1940 answering to a request of Freyenwald to Esser to tell him in which Jewish newspaper he found the plea of the Paris Zionist Union. The request is also in the file. An article of the Austrian newspaper Deutsches Volksblatt from 1898 reporting of an alleged call of the Alliance to the Polish Jews to capture Galicia. A transcription from the magazin Der Israelit from 1896 already stating that the call that is said to be from 1889 is a fabrication. Transcription of an excerpt of a book of Dr. Bloch from 1922 about the fabrication. Dossier of the German Press Office about\"the Jewish rule of Hungar\"."@eng . "1 electronic resource (17 pages)"@eng . . "Der Aufruf des Zionistenbundes in Paris"@eng . . . . "Der Aufruf des Zionistenbundes in Paris"@eng . .