"The file contains a handwritten listing that is hard to read. It contains a typed German translation of\"Alliance israélite universell\", a manifest from 1960. The Alliance is a universelle international Jewish organization founded in 1860 by the French statesman Adolphe Crémieux. Article from the Swiss paper Die Front from 1939 with consiracy claims in regard to the Alliance because of their slogan that all Israelits stand together. Letter of a Jew from Goeppingen to the Alliance suggesting to not translate this slogan into German on publications. Excerpt of a speech of Cremieux published in a Russian enzyclopedia in French. A speech of Cremieux from 1864 published in the same encyclopedia translated into German. A letter of the Weltdienst to Freyenwald that says that the Weltdienst obtained the encyclopedias and also the\"Archive Israelite\" from 1861 and 1860 to find the manifest of Cremieux. A letter from 1940 to Herman de Vries de Heekelingen stating that the manifest was published in the newspaper\"Morning Pos\". Transcription of the\"Morning Pos\". Letter of Freyenwald with an excerpt of the manifest in French with German translation with an invocation of Cremieux from 1872 published in the French newspaper L'Anti-Sémitique from 1883 with German translation and a transcription of an article of Salomon Neumann in the Volks-Zeitung. The file also contains a protocoll of the General Assembly and a speech of Cremieux from 1864 and a letter from 1944 condeming the fabrication of L'Anti-Sémitique and a letter from February 1945 with additional informations about Cremieux. A transcription of an excerpt of the book Antisemiten-Spiegel about the lies about the Alliance Israelites. Protocoll of of a session of the Austrian Parliament from 1894 with an antsemitic speech of Josef Schlesinger who also recalls antisemitic libels about Cremieux."@eng . . "Das Manifest Cremieuse"@eng . "1 electronic resource (115 pages)"@eng . . . "Das Manifest Cremieuse"@eng . . . .