"The file contains several reports regarding varous aspects of Democracy in the German Republic of Weimar. Topics like the electoral system, the Reichstag, the Reichsrat, the party organisation, historic background and crisis of the German civilisation have been discussed. Some reports are contained multible times, as the author wrote some handwritten notes on his first exemples. Also chronological surveys on governments are attached. In its fourteen years, the Weimar Republic faced numerous problems, including hyperinflation, political extremism, as well as contentious relationships with the victors of the First World War. The people of Germany blamed the Weimar Republic rather than their wartime leaders for the country's defeat and for the humiliating terms of the Treaty of Versailles. Eventhough the reports show that many crises had been overcome in home and foreign affairs, like 1926 when Germany had become a permanent member of the council of the League of Nations, this crises also led to the rise of the Nazis. The democratic republic was not sufficiently stabilized to content with the impact of the acute economic world depression which commenced in 1929. The ensuing economic crisis and collapse was certainly the main cause which made the rise of the National-Socialism possible at that very stage of German and European development"@eng . . . "Weimar Democracy"@eng . . "Weimar Democracy"@eng . . . . "1 electronic resource (66 pages)"@eng . "1946/" .