. "1 electronic resource (20 pages)"@eng . . . "Anti-Semitism in Germany; Historical Outline"@eng . "The file contains several reports regarding a historical outline of anti-Semitism in Germany from 1869 till 1933. As the author argues in mordern times German anti-Semitism swelled the forces of Reaction. The organised form of Anti-Semitism already became manifest soon after the Jews had received some degree of constitutional equality. It was centred against the legal, political and social emancipation of the Jews. It was only through legislation of 1869 that equality was recognised in Germnay by law. Anti-Jewish propaganda, initiated and organised by the National-Socialist Party, had been increasing by stages, becoming more and more forceful and noticeable during the years of 1927 to 1933. Since 1923 Synagofues and Jewish Cemetries had been desecrated frequently. After 1927 and especially during 1930- 1933, these destructive activities became a regular feature, developing into anti-Jewish propaganda and terror, by means slogans, discriminatory songs, inflammatory speeches, cartoons, creating disturbances during meetings. More details are given for the years before and after 1933."@eng . . "Anti-Semitism in Germany; Historical Outline"@eng . "1946/" . . .