"[Political parties in Germany before 1933]"@eng . . . "[Political parties in Germany before 1933]"@eng . . . "The file contains reports rearding several politicla parties in Germany before 1933. Informations based on this six parties are contained in this file: The Social Democratic Party (Sozial Demokratische Partei Deutschland SPD), the Centre Party (Zentrums Partei), the German Democratic Party (Deutsche Demokratische Partei DDP), the German People's Party (Deutsche Volkspartei DVP), the German Nationalist Peoples Party (Deutschnationale Volkspartei DNVP), which was a national conservative party in Germany during the time of the Weimar Republic and the National Socialist German Labour Party (NSDAP) are explained in detail. The reports and handwritten notes show their development, their party platform, their constituency and their relationship to the NSDAP. Furthermore handwritten notes relating to the Parties are attached. Supplemental some reports are contained couple of times as additionally handwritten notes can be seen."@eng . . . "1 electronic resource (94 pages)"@eng .