"The file contains several reports ragarding the situation of Jews in Romania. The Jewish Central Information Office puiblished a reports in 1938 based on their own research and on newspaper informations about activities of the government of Goga. The world news were following the changes in Romania with special fear that the cruel fate of German Jews will overtake the Romanian Jews. Since Octavian Goga became Prime Minister of Romania he announced constantly new restriction and laws against the Jewish population. Furthermore he was constantly regarding to the 'Jewish Questio\" in Europe and specifically in Romania. Gorga formed the the National Christian Party in Romania and beeing an anti-Semite himself his government introduced very early in his tenure a series of anti-Semitic laws. On 12 January 1938 his government stripped Romanian Jews of their citizenship. Furthermore pressure from Nazi Germany was put on Goga. Broader reports regarding the position of Jews in central Europe can be seen. Also there Jews were persecuted and restriction along with new laws which made their life miserable. As the report illustrate the situation of minorities, specifically of the Jewish minority, before and after the first World War, the persecution of Jews was know from Russia and some other small countries, but the persecution of Jews came back to central Europe with all its anger, as the author puts it. The intensity of Anti-semitism in Germany spread to all other countries where anti-Semitism gained ground already, like in Romania."@eng . . . "1 electronic resource (48 pages)"@eng . "[<> Position of Jews in Romania]"@eng . . . "[<> Position of Jews in Romania]"@eng . . .