. "1 electronic resource (31 pages)"@eng . "The file contains several reports ragarding the NS Regime and its laws, restrictions and approach towards other countries in 1938. Furthermore informations about the situation of Jews in Romania, Mexico and South-Afrika are given. A report based on the first Jewish Romanian newspaper can be seen. It was first published on thew 9th of Januar in 1938 and reports about new laws and restriction regarding Jews in the suburbs of Romania. After Octavian Goga became Prime Minister of Romania, he served from 28 December 1937 to 10 February 1938, the situation of Jews changed dramaticly, about which the newspaper was refering to. Furthermore a report regarding the treatment of the 'Jewish Question' in school lessons is attached. In addition the Jewish Central Information office published a report dealing with the 'Nahrungswirtschaft in Hitlerdeutschland' (Food supplies in Germany). The mismanagement of the esculent by the government led to food shortage in several areas. Hitlers plan was to improve the production and distribution of food but becuase of all his laws, restriction and constant changes of plans, his government mismanaged stocks, imports and exports. Also the position of former German South-West Africa and its growing Anti-semitism is explained. As a lot of farmers in South-West Africa were gettings German newpapers and other information from Nazi Germany, so the propaganda machine started to have its impact also there. Also in Mexico the Jewish situation changed in 1930. The anti-Jewish agitation was only one phase of an anti-foreign movement braught about by the intensification of business competition."@eng . . "[Jews in Germany, Romania, Mexico and South-Afrika]"@eng . . "[Jews in Germany, Romania, Mexico and South-Afrika]"@eng . . . .