. . "The file contains a report entitled\"Der Deutsche Aussenhandel im Jahre 1936 und die Boykottbewegun\" (The German foreign trade in 1936 and the boycott movement). The report was published in Paris, May 1937 by the Congrès Juif Mondial. The World Jewish Congress is an international federation of communities and Jewish organizations, founded in 1936 in Geneva. According to its charter, the goal of the World Jewish Congress is to be the\"diplomatic arm of the Jewish peopl\". This report is devided into 6 chapters and discribes the economic situation in Germany and especially the foreign trade statistics in 1936. The boycott of German goods started in March 1933 where Jews protested in Amercia and launched their boycott against Germany, its goods and its elected government. In this report it is shown that the boycott took its first effect on German foreign trade. Furthermore it is explained that the boycott is getting more important as Hitler is gaining more power.\"Wer in Deutschland kauft, rüstet Deutschland auf und erhöht die Kriegsgefah\"."@eng . . . "Der Deutsche Aussenhandel im Jahre 1936"@eng . . "1 electronic resource (20 pages)"@eng . "Der Deutsche Aussenhandel im Jahre 1936"@eng . .