. . "The Position of the Jews in Germany (August)"@eng . "1 electronic resource (53 pages)"@eng . . . . . "The file contains a report of 1936 about the position of Jews in Germany written in German. The Jewish Central information Office published every month a new report, regarding the situation of Jews in Germany. In 1928 Alfred Wiener was instrumental in creating the Büro Wilhelmstrasse of the CV, which documented Nazi activities and issued anti-Nazi materials until 1933 when Hitler came to power. Wiener and his family fled to Amsterdam where he, together with Dr. David Cohen of Amsterdam University, founded the Jewish Central Information Office (JCIO). The position of German Jewry seemed to have entered a stage of outward quitness. The Olympiad, which was at 1936 dominating the whole public life in Germany, has forced a cunning change of methods and an outward quit. Efforts were made to show the visitors how peacefully and quitly the Jews live in Germany. But this should not delude anyone into the belief that the fight against the Jews had ceased, so the author argued. Behind the scenery of the Olympiad in August 1936 Jews were persecuted the same way as before but now it was hidden by a lovely curtain. The Nazi regime removed all anti-semitic orders and pamphlets from the cities, the gastronomy had strict order to forget the 'Judenfrage' for the time of the Olympiad and be specifically respectful and friendly to everyone. The city got renovated and decorated, the cost had to be covered by the residents. Everything had been done to convince the world that the situation of Jews in Germany is good and that the 'Judenfrage' got unimportant in Germany. Further reports have been published like\"Wo finde ich den Jude\" (where do I find the Jew) and 'why Jews are different'."@eng . . "The Position of the Jews in Germany (August)"@eng .