. . "The Position of the Jews in Sweden (June)"@eng . "1 electronic resource (33 pages)"@eng . "The file contains a report from May 1936 about the position of the Jews in Sweden written in German. The Jewish Central information Office published every month a new report, regarding the situation of Jews in Germany, this report however is about the situation of Jews in Sweden in June 1936. In 1928 Alfred Wiener was instrumental in creating the Büro Wilhelmstrasse of the CV, which documented Nazi activities and issued anti-Nazi materials until 1933 when Hitler came to power. Wiener and his family fled to Amsterdam where he, together with Dr. David Cohen of Amsterdam University, founded the Jewish Central Information Office (JCIO). This report informs about the anti-semetic propaganda of the Nazi party in Sweden. The increase of power of the party as well as the ascending sympathy of the society for their believes. Furthermore it shows main differences between the German politics of 1936 and the one in Sweeden. Eventough the number of the Swedish Nazi followers was growing it could not have been compaired with the German Nazis. But the German Nazis propaganda machine was working in Sweden to gain more people and power. Furthermore the report also presents some statistics regarding the persecution of Jews in Germany and about propaganda machine. In addition some papers of the German propaganda published about Palestine can be read."@eng . "The Position of the Jews in Sweden (June)"@eng . . . . . .