"The file contains the 'Picture Post' Vol. 19 No.11, Hulton's national weekly magazine. This edition is regarding the topic: Mediterranean Front. It was a photojournalistic magazine published in the United Kingdom from 1938 to 1957. It is considered a pioneering example of photojournalism and was an immediate success. The magazine’s editorial stance was liberal, anti-Fascist and populist and from its inception Picture Post campaigned against the persecution of Jews in Nazi Germany. Only little articles, discribing the picture or the advertised products can be found. Also stories based on pictures have been told. Like Sebastian Haffner did with his picture regarding the storie: 'When the Nazi chiefs were in court'. In which he explains and shows mostly by pictures how the war criminals will behave in court, what tricks they will try to play and how we can learn from the politicval trails in which they figures before they came to power in Germany. The magazine has 28 pages, printed in black and white."@eng . "1 electronic resource (28 pages)"@eng . . "Picture Post (Vol. 19, No. 11)"@eng . . . . "Picture Post (Vol. 19, No. 11)"@eng . .