. . "The file contains reports written by Paul Anderson and scripts for radio shows. The first report entitled as 'Have the Germans learned anything?' concerning the after war time period in Germany. As Anderson argues, the Western half of Germany is no longer a mere object. A new German State was born, the infant Federal Republic of Bonn. Once again Germans govern Germans, German laws operate, elections took place, governments were formed, ministries were occupied. Trade and industry were recovering at an astonishing rate. International connections were revived. Thus, the new Stae, its government, parliament and constitution, in short: Germany's second experimente in political democracy comes into beeing in an general atmosphere of political indifference and apathy. But, as the author argues, the last seventeen years were hardly a school for democracy. Yet, Anderson concludeds, that the new generation of Germans may become good Europeans as well as good citizens of a German democracy. An other report written by Paul Anderson explains the state of Bonn in detail. Not only to Germans and Germany, but to Europe and the whole world 'Bonn' had acquired a new meaning as the bithplace of the second German Republic. Also scripts for a radio show written by Peter Petersen, the pseudonym of Paul Anderson, can be seen. In this he covers political topics in German for Germany. At the beginning some questions will be asked like 'What is Europe?', which he will later answer. It is constructed furthermore like a conversation, where a lot of people with different accents, oppinions and occupations will have argues about political topics."@eng . "[<> revival of Germany]"@eng . "[<> revival of Germany]"@eng . . . "1 electronic resource (60 pages)"@eng . . .