"The file contains correspondences, collected by Paul Anderson, regarding the Jewish community in Poland, their extermination and the reaction of the Poles. As it is written in the letter to Mr. Zygialbojm, a member of the National council of the Republic of Poland and at London, the most burning and painful question is, what to do against the systematic slaughter of the Jewish community in Europe and specificly in Poland. Mr. L. Berezowaski explains in his letter the situation for Jews in 1942 and claims help of other nations and the Polish government. Figures and facts describing the mass tragedy of the Jewish population under Hitler's regime, the correspondend writes. He explains that this monster of Hitlerism exterminated the whole population, children, women and grown-up man were dying. The flower of the intelligentsia, scientists, men of letters, lawyers, engineers and doctors are beeing daily killed. Furthermore informations regarding the ghettos in Poland have been given. Numbers of the 'evacuating action' are reported by the correspondend. Four weeks after the action started 25.000 working class Jews were left in the Warsaw ghetto out of an original number of 400.000. Similarly, out of the Jewish population of Lublin which counted some 60.000 to 80.000 Jews, only 4.000 workmann without their families are left. A second letter gives informatiosn about the Warsaw ghetto and the Polish underground movement of 1943. Like the first letter it gives detailed numbers of murdered people and the mass execution of Jews. In addition a illigal manifest, which was distributed among Polish people of Warsaw is mentioned. The Jewish Fight Organization publihsed\"The fight in the ghetto is fought for our freedom. For human, social, national pride and honour. Long live the Brotherhood of arms and blood of fighting Poland. Long live freedom. Death to the hangmen and executioners. Long life and death fight against the occupants\""@eng . "1 electronic resource (16 pages)"@eng . . "[Poland, correspondences collected by Paul Anderson]"@eng . . . . "[Poland, correspondences collected by Paul Anderson]"@eng . .