"The file contains copies of the magazin 'The Fortnightly' No. 853, published in 1938. 'The Fortnightly' was published mounthly by the Fortnightly Review, Ltd., at 13 Buckingham St. London and was one of the most prominent and influential magazines in nineteenth-century England. It was founded in 1865, the first edition appeared on 15th May 1865. This edition has 99 pages and is devided into twelve chapters written by different authors. The different chapters are titled as followed: 'The Decay of Opposition' by Lord Elton, the 'Empire Finance and agriculture in Canada' by Philip Matret, 'The Defence of the Empire' by Liddell Hart, 'The Arts To-Day' by Lort Derwent, 'Shanghai and the Japanese' by O.M. Green, 'the United States and the Far Eastern Crisis' by Felix Morley, 'New Divorce Problems' by Alfred Fellows, 'Perhaps We Shall Meet AGAIN- A Story' by H. E. Bates, 'Electricity: Control and Current' by David Barred, 'Berlin: Vienna; Prague' by Paul Anderson, 'Laurentian Prospect: An Apercu of French Canada' by Brain Meredith and 'Ebb and Flow- A Commentary' by Stephens Gwynn. All of the chapters are dealing with the pilitics of the day, furthermore dicussing the relevance of oppositions and their work during 1938. Also the struggle between the banks and the government have been discussed, especially regarding the changes in world economics as it no longer consisted in foreign lending and opening new countries as granaries and ranches, but every country is aiming at a balanced economy and will spare no pains to cultivate it. Foreign poltics and relations as well as econimic situations and rearmament are also topicw in the acrticles. In addition some advertisment can be seen."@eng . "1 electronic resource (73 pages)"@eng . . "The Fortnightly Review No. 853"@eng . . . . "The Fortnightly Review No. 853"@eng . .