. "The file contains informations about the German industry in between 1933 and 1942. Paul Anderson explains in his reports the economic situation and strategies in Germany during those years. For example how Gottfried Feder and Werner Daitz implement their economic programs and how the four-year plan was institutionalized. The aim was to direct the economy towards accelerated armaments and self-sufficiency, since Germany could not otherwise wage war from abroad due to its dependence on raw materials. Anderson presents also a list of measures put through by the party and welcomed by the big industrials. For example: Re-armament, Supression of workers organizations and rights, legislation against small traders and re-privatisierung. Also the role of Hjalmar Schacht is discussed in Andersons papers, as he was for a time feted for his role in the German\"economic miracle\" he opposed Hitler's policy of German re-armament insofar as it violated the Treaty of Versailles and disrupted the German economy. His views in this regard led Schacht to clash with Hitler and most notably with Hermann Göring. He was dismissed as President of the Reichsbank in January 1939. Furthermore since the war the addition of new territories to the Reich has obviously been welcomed both by praty and industrialists. At the same time, while Nazi policy in general benefited the industrialists, the party began to compete with them in their own sphere, in party-owned concerns. Like the Hermann-Goering Werke, Bank der Arbeit, Kontinentale Qel A.G and others."@eng . . "1 electronic resource (9 pages)"@eng . "[German industry and the N.S.D.A.P. 1933-1942]"@eng . . . . "[German industry and the N.S.D.A.P. 1933-1942]"@eng . .