"Script of an attempt to reconcile the\"Dialogue\" and\"protocoll\". The book was supposedly never published. It's author is not known. The Foreword suggests it's from 1934. As an attached note says the book contains two parts. A history of origin of the Protocolls and a antisemitic confrontation of the Dialogues and the Protocolls. It aknowledges the connection but still denies that the Protocolls are based on Joly. The foreword refers to a book of Segal about the Protocolls that reveals the Protocolls as a lie and books of Rosenberg that confirm the Protocolls. He focusses on the revelation that the Protocolls are based on the Dialogues and states that he can prove this wrong by confronting the Dialogues and the Protocolls."@eng . "1 electronic resource (257 pages)"@eng . . "Die Echten Protokolle der Weisen von Zion"@eng . . . . "Die Echten Protokolle der Weisen von Zion"@eng . .