"Testimony of rabbi E. S., from Kremenets, a yeshiva student from the Beit Yossef yeshiva in Międzyrzec. He describes attempting to return home to Kremenets from Międzyrzec under German bombardment. At first in Międzyrzec bombs destroyed the railway but no casualties resulted, however, incendiaries and more bombs killed over 200 people in the city. The author made his way to Terespol, then to Luzhki and Divin, encountering a flood of refugees, both civilian and military, and eventually to Kobryn where the Germans caught up with him, drafting him for forced labor to bury German and Polish soldiers killed in the fighting. Eventually he returned to Kremenets, which suffered heavily in the fighting. Protocol No. 131 is an extract from a volume of protocols /statements provided by a group of Polish-Jewish refugee writers and journalists who fled to Vilnius, Lithuania. In 1939 they formed a committee to collect evidence on the condition of the Jews in Poland under Nazi occupation."@eng . "1 electronic resource (19 pages)"@eng . . "[Testimonies given in Vilnius by Jewish refugees from German occupied Poland]"@eng . . . . "[Testimonies given in Vilnius by Jewish refugees from German occupied Poland]"@eng . .