"Documents about Gleichschaltung of the German Industry. Debate about the establishment of a corporate economy and how the Industry should be reorganized so capital serves the economy and the economy serves the people. Question of authority. One document is a circular of the Union of German Industry, citing the dismissal of the economic comissioners by decree of Hitler which strenghens the position of the Union. Krupp von Bohlen und Halbach affirms to serve the Fuehrer. Another document is a speech of the delegate of the of the NSDAP in the Union of German Industry at a meeting of German Iron and Steel Industrials in North Germany. The speech is about the need of getting the interests of Industry together with the interests of the people and outlinig a corporate ecomonic order. Another document is a record of the debate at the same meeting with a statement of Reichert, the head of the Union of German Iron and Steel Industrials. Another document is the annual report of Reichert at a gathering. Reichert states among other concerns regarding the plans to establish a corporate economy and losing autonomy. Speech of Fischer at the same event about interst policy and reforming the banks. Response of the chairman to the speech of Fischer"@eng . "1 electronic resource (62 pages)"@eng . . "[Gleichschaltung of the German Industry and Banks]"@eng . . . . "[Gleichschaltung of the German Industry and Banks]"@eng . .