"Die Bewährung der Wenigen"@eng . "1 electronic resource (68 pages)"@eng . . . . "Die Bewährung der Wenigen"@eng . . . "The file contains an article of W.L. Guttsman.\"The probation of the fe\" about the few Germans that aided the persecuted Jews. It's subdivided in chapters: 1. The years before the war with an emphasis on the Protestand church. 2. The Night of Broken Glass. 3. The years of war. 4. In the occupied terrritory in Poland. 5. The hiding ones and their aides with many examples of people who aided Jews to hide. a) in Berlin, b) in other cities, c) on the countryside d) the clergy. The chapter about Berlin tells of a group of academics, among them Dr. Havermann and Dr. Grosscurth who systematically hided Jews and helped them to get forged passports. Also in the folder corresponence between Guttsman and Alfred Wiener about the article prior to the publishing. The file also contains a four page abstract of the article with all the names."@eng . .