[Minutes of July 1941]

http://lod.ehri-project-test.eu/units/il-002820-9932929395104146-990004802150304146 an entity of type: Record

[Minutes of July 1941] 
[Minutes of July 1941] 
1 electronic resource (35 pages) 
The file contains two memos of announcements in 1941 and some handwritten papers. The speakers of the announcements were Paul Anderson, Mr. Hedges and Mr. Holt. The first announcement is about the Ukraine with the title 'There is no national opposition in Soviet Ukraine', which informs about Hitlers idea to use the Ukrainian nationalism for his purpose, but as the author argues: there is no seperatism in this region. Furthermore announcements with the title 'the Generalgouverneur Frank', 'the Greulpropaganda' and the 'Harzburger Front' can be read. In this the authors inform about Hans Frank, who spoke to the Poles, eventhough he normaly treats them like slaves but as he started to fear them, he tried to get them on his side. Also Göbbels started his 'Greulpropaganda against the Russians and the Soviet Union again. The second announcement is giving a 'Städtebericht' (city report), concerning the German-Russian war and how it affects cities around the war zone, in particular Bucharest, Ankara and Moscow . 

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