"The file contains a report written by Paul Anderson regarding the problem of raising former colonial territories to the status of soveriegn and self-governing states. The great powers of the world, wether they themselves are colonial powers or not, have been concious of this task, eventhough it does not mean that they were necessarily in complete agreement among how this task is to be achieved. So immediatly after the war the United Nation Organisation was created at the San Francisco Conference by 51 countries, committed to maintaining international peace and security. Furthermore it commited itself for developing friendly relations among nations and promoting social progress, better living standards and human rights. In this file Anderson explains how the U.N. Charter defines colonies and how the non-selfgoverning colonies should develop under the administration of the colonial powers and within its great problems. In addition he discusses the general problems of spress, informations, news and news-transmission."@eng . "1 electronic resource (7 pages)"@eng . . "The United Nations and the colonial Powers"@eng . . . . "The United Nations and the colonial Powers"@eng . .