"The file contains several information about a public manifastation to show respect to the Belgium nation. There was a huge festivity to thank the Belgium nation for there generosity and the help regarding the Jewish population. Queen Elisabeth of Bavaria, Queen of Belgium honored this ceremony, alongside with Cardinal Jozef-Ernest van Roey, Family members of the Van Cauweleart and Chaim Perelman. Also representatives of the Belgium Government were invited by the Jewish Relief organisations. Further important representatives from several nations and from all over the wold showed their respect to the Belgium Gevernment. A big thank-you went to the Belgium Restistance who tried everything to stop the braun power of Hitler. Issac Kubovisky, who was the representative of the Jewish relief organisations and Gerhart M. Riegner, who was the secretary-general of the World Jewish Congress hold some speeches and honored the nation for their help. They choosed to do it in May because in May the Germans occupied Belgium and also in May there was the defeat of the Germans in Belgium. The ceremony finished with the 3. symphony „Eroica“ of Bethooven."@eng . "1 electronic resource (17 pages)"@eng . . "[Public manifastation of gratitude to the Belgium nation]"@eng . . . . "[Public manifastation of gratitude to the Belgium nation]"@eng . .