"The file contains several reports written by Paul Anderson, regading the dictatorship the Soviet Union. In his report he is discussing and explaining several topics as the case bought against the Soviet government that immediatly after the retreat of the German armies from the southern Russian and Caucasus fronts, the Soviet government launched a full fledged campain against the small and ancient Moslem nations, whose conduct during the war is allerged to have been unpatriotic and\"hostile to the Soviet Stat\". Against the repeated claims of the Soviet government of being the protector of small nations and upholder of the rights of all nation minorities, the Genocide has been proven their their real policy. The wholesale liquidation of several ancient races and national communities succeded by the dual means of ruthless mass executions and the compulsory deportation."@eng . "1 electronic resource (17 pages)"@eng . . "[Genocide by the Soviet Union]"@eng . . . . "[Genocide by the Soviet Union]"@eng . .