"The file contains bulletins of the Coordinating Committee of Belgian Jewish Organizations published in Brussels in 1946. The association aims to\"defend, study and develop Jewish values ​​in Belgium and the world. In 1984, the institution renounced its initial name and became known as the Coordinating Committee of Belgian Jewish Organizations. The CCOJB commissioned a research about the Jewish communities in the former occupied countries, especially in Belgium. The research showed that the economic situation for Jews was horrible, also the antisemtism was still part of everyday live. So the CCOJB connected relief organizations to start to improve the life conditions of Jews and, based on the research, to comply it with their desires. In addition the research showed, the biggest desire of the Jews was that the authorieties finaly let them go where ever they would like to go. For most of them that was Palestine. Based on the research organizations started campains to help Jews and their families, mostly their kids. Books, art, food, cloth, toys and representatives, as well as social workers, have been sent to the Jewish communities. Furthermore organizations tried to open the way to Palestine. Organized Aliya groups and negotiations with the British Mandate of Palestine have been done. In adition Belgium allowed 5.000 Jews from Poland to immigrate as their economical situation was even worse."@eng . "1 electronic resource (16 pages)"@eng . . "Bulletin D'Informations"@eng . . . . "Bulletin D'Informations"@eng . .