[Reports from Brussels Relief Committee]

http://lod.ehri-project-test.eu/units/il-002820-9932929395104146-990004799280304146 an entity of type: Record

[Reports from Brussels Relief Committee] 
[Reports from Brussels Relief Committee] 
1 electronic resource (28 pages) 
The file contains several information about the activities of Belgium relief organisation and association in the years of the German occupation and after World War II. Some of the organizations had there basis in Belgium, but most of them were in America. The organizations had several methods and allies to broadcarst informations, collect money or help the people in Belgium during WWII or after the war. The Belgian Information Centre, based in America, started a radio broadcasts in July 1942, giving informations about activities in Belgium and other countries. This broadcarst gave people in the occupied countries the chance to get informations, hope and furthermore showed them that people try to help. Over 3 million people from all over the wold, like America, Belgium, Germany and other places heard the broadcarsts. Besides the Belgium Information Center orgenized theater plays, music evenings and other events to collect money for reliefs for Belgium. Also 'COREF' the"Israeli Refugee Committee Victims of Racial Law' offered donations, loans and the services of social worker especially for Jewish refugees from Germany and Austria. Besides the American Joint Distribution Committee was also included in the relief activities in and for Belgium. 

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