"The file contains a report written by Paul Anderson concerning 'the rule of Terror in Yugoslavia', its politics and general situation in 1937. It includes informations about the Yugoslav regime of Prince Regent Paul and the cabinet of Dr. Stoyadinovitch, following the assassination of the dictator King Alexander in 1935. As he writes many reader would doubt the truth of his words, as the terror he is discribing in his report is unimaginable. But he argues, that he is writing down facts, which will be furiously denied by the Yugoslav authorities but which nevertheless are the pure truth. As they are based on first hand information and evidence in Yogoslavia. Facts, that girl's breasts has been disfigures through torture, or that healthy human beeings are forced to drink the urine of syphilitic police soldiers. One of the common tortures is hot boiled eggs being pressed into the victim's armpits or needles pushed under the fingernails. The suppression of all free and courageous utterances in opposition to the government's internal or external policy is steadily increasing. Every liberal, conservativs or democrats was labelled as a 'Bolshevik' and the government would justify is system of orgenised terror as 'a necessary safegard against the danger of Bolshevism'."@eng . "1 electronic resource (4 pages)"@eng . . "Rule of Terror in Yugoslavia"@eng . . . . "Rule of Terror in Yugoslavia"@eng . .