"The file contains informations about the so called 'Drahtzieher des dritten Reiches' (wirepuller of the third Reich). Reports, lists and surveys about important German army members, as well as political figures released in 1940 can be seen. The reports cover their early life, World War I, the time working in the Nazi regime and World War II. It is also explained if they disliked Nazism or if ther were faithful party members, yet the focus is on their army career. Also a list with important Nazi figures, national and regional forces, events and operations and Germany's fereign friends is attached. Following that list Alfried Felix Alwyn Krupp von Bohlen und Halbach has been the topic of a special report. He was an industrialist and a member of the Krupp family, which has been prominent in German industry since the early 19th century. During World War II, the company's profits increased and it gained control of factories in German-occupied Europe. Under Alfried, the company used slave labor supplied by the Nazi regime and thereby also became involved in the Holocaust. Furthermore an other report with the title 'some German personalities observed in the American press' from 1940 can be seen. As an example Charles Edward, Duke of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha, who joined the Nazi Party in March 1933 and that same year became a member of the SA (Brownshirts), rising to the rank of Obergruppenführer by 1936 is added. Further informations about him were collected by the American press during his stays in America. Also informations about Ernst Hepp, a German journalist and diplomat have been collected. Besides a list of trustees of the work (Reichstreuhänder der Arbeit) can be seen. Reichstreuhänder was an authority created on 19 May 1933 by the Reichsgesetz, which should mediate in conflicts in enterprises between entrepreneurs and employer. A total of 22 trustees were appointed, all of whom were directly subordinate to the Reichsarbeitsministerium ."@eng . "1 electronic resource (31 pages)"@eng . . "[Drahtzieher des dritten Reiches]"@eng . . . . "[Drahtzieher des dritten Reiches]"@eng . .