. "[Newspaper articles about the Nazi era and after, 1933-1955]"@eng . "[Newspaper articles about the Nazi era and after, 1933-1955]"@eng . . . . "1 electronic resource (24 pages)"@eng . "The file contains several documents regarding the Nazi era. The douments are from 1933 starting with a letter about the 'terrorism in Germany' and ending with an article from 1955 with the title 'Eine furchtbare Leidenszeit ging zu Ende' (A terrible time of suffering came to an end), published in 'Das Parlament. The article reports about the survivors of the concentration camps, how a lot of people got killed even in the last hours and how little the documentation about some camps is, as the documents of the camps were burnt. Other articles report about the work which has been done to discover more informations, how life was given back to the inmates. Other articles report about the situation in between those years. For example specifications for the behavior of journalists and jurist, or for the wifes of workes, as well as for the whole family. Articels published after 1945 are regarding the elucidation and reparation."@eng . . .