. . . "British fascism and the right wing fringe"@eng . "British fascism and the right wing fringe"@eng . . "The file contains informations about British Fascists, several documents concerning right-wing organisations and antisemitic publications in the United Kingdom. For example the 'Vigilant Action League', which declares itself as an organisation which is not discriminating or anti-anything; but pro-British, pro-Christian, pro-Freedom and pro-Civilisation. But infact it was a xenophobic and discriminating organisation and all its ambitions were only for 'British' people, who should have first claim on what Britain provides. Or the the 'British Union of Fascists', which was a fascist political party in the United Kingdom formed in 1932 by Oswald Mosley. It changed its name to the 'British Union of Fascists and National Socialists' in 1936 and, in 1937, to 'British Union'. Besides leavelets and letters of 'the Racial Preservation Society' can be read. This was a right-wing pressure group opposed to immigration and in favour of white nationalism, national preservation and protection in the United Kingdom. Also soon after the Second World War Arnold Leese set up his own 'Jewish Information Bureau' and began to publish his own journal the 'Gothic Ripples', which was largely concerned with attacking the Jews. Some acticles express themselfs critical against the movement in Great Britain. That Hitler also started small, yet in a few years he fought and smashed the German Social-Democrats. People should learn from history and not make the same mistakes again or make profits out of it, he says. The British democracy can defend itself against attacks from without, Herbert Hodge argues, but can it defend itself against attacks from within? Britain should fight for the democratic system and not against it, as the 'Society for Individual Freedom' promotes. This organisation is a United Kingdom-based association of libertarians, classical liberals, free-market conservatives and others promoting individual freedom."@eng . . "1 electronic resource (169 pages)"@eng . .