"The file contains a copie of a newspaper published by the 'World News and Views' in July 19th, United Kingdom 1952. Several authors published articles regarding the different political powers in Germany and its general situation like the economic miracle, as well as the problem of rearmament of west Germany. East Germany, under the control of the Soviet Union, wanted west Germany to stay neutral, as it did not want to see German strenght joined to the Antlantic bloc, but also because it was afraid that the danger of war from the American side would be considerably increased by the possession of German soldiers. Beside topics like the reunification of Germany were discused. As Frédéric Joliot-Curie argues: every country should have the right of national unity, to a freely elected Government, to a peace treaty and the right to sovereignty and to security. Furthermore the Moral Re-Armament (MRA), founded by Dr. Buchman in 1938, is discussed in this context. This global organisation was dedicated in\"building trust across the world's divide\" of culture, nationality, belief, and background."@eng . "1 electronic resource (12 pages)"@eng . . "The Problem of Germany"@eng . . . . "The Problem of Germany"@eng . .