"The file contains the cover sheet of the book 'Jahrbuch für nationalsozialistische Wirtschaft', published by 'Verlag W. Kohlhammer' in Stuttgard 1935. This file shows the 10th chaptar of the book, named 'Die Neuordung der gewerblichen Wirtschaft' by Paul Hilland. Furthermore a photocopy regarding general information of the book, like the location and the system number, is attached. The book itself discusses and shows the new and pulsing economic life in Germany since January 30th 1933. The main idea is to show the connections between daily life actions and the economic life. It is tried to explain how the new policy influences the economic life in Germany and how arrangements made by the new government changed the economic situation of the people and the state."@eng . "1 electronic resource (46 pages)"@eng . . "Jahrbuch für nationalsozialistische Wirtschaft [3]"@eng . . . . "Jahrbuch für nationalsozialistische Wirtschaft [3]"@eng . .